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St Mary's Primary School Pomeroy

News - Homepage

2019/2020 School Year

15th May 2020
P2 have not forgotten its the month of May and many have created beautiful May Altar's...
14th May 2020
Our very own Pauline has spent her lockdown in front of a sewing machine!  She...
12th May 2020
This week’s challenge is a 5km walk/run!  Get your family out with you...
12th May 2020
As part of P6 WAU Topic on The Vikings the children were tasked with : A/ Researching...
12th May 2020
Primary 6 last week also investigated the Life of the Polar Bear using Studyladder!...
11th May 2020
What memories you have all created in St. Mary’s......Enjoy your Best Parts...
10th May 2020
We were so delighted to see so many Safe Spaces built in Pomeroy.  You all...
8th May 2020
P2 have been challenged this week to create their own boats to get to a mystical...
5th May 2020
The Healthy Kidz 'Virtual Sports Day', begins next Monday 11th May and builds towards...
4th May 2020
Please find Free Speech and Language, OT, ASD and many other SEND Resources for...