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St Mary's Primary School Pomeroy

Come fly with us ✈️

14th May 2024
This morning we had a very exciting video call with First Officer Cathal Byrne (Mrs McKernan’s brother). Cathal was just about to embark on his final flight with SAS Airlines back to London Heathrow from Stockholm. He told us all about the flight deck and how he flies the plane with Captain John. He showed us all the buttons and controls that he uses to help the aeroplane fly up into the sky and we saw the ground handler taking the suitcases off the plane and refueling the engine. We loved seeing Cathal at his work and we promised we will look out for him if we ever fly with Jet 2 ✈️✈️
During our playtime we took on the role of a Captain and a First Officer, making sure we had our boarding passes and passports to handover to the cabin crew.